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Decker presents Obstetrics & Gynecology!

Welcome to Obstetrics and Gynecology, the new principles and practice publication for residents and educators. ObGyn is evidence-based with clinical trials, meta-analyses and best clinical practices based on the latest guidelines. ObGyn is richly illustrated with algorithms, clinical photos, tables, CT scans, medical artwork and videos to enhance the reading experience. Bi-monthly updating means the work is continually reviewed. 

Hello from the Weekly Curriculum™ Editors!

We are delighted to introduce Obstetrics & Gynecology and its GME suite to training programs! The package is your educational toolkit with customizable Weekly Curriculum; a robust question bank; learning objectives; and Teaching Slide Library and CME for faculty development. ObGyn is a must-have for programs of all sizes, schedules and scope! 

This special 'soft-launch' is your opportunity to acquire this the new gold standard in GME at a remarkable price.  We offer one stop shopping to prepare your trainees for unsupervised practice and nail the written exams along the way! Looking forward to working you!  

- HR and MM  

Weekly Curriculum™

Weekly Curriculum™ tests trainees with clinical cases and Board-styled MCQs keyed to the ABOG learning objectives and ObGyn readings. Follow our expert's 'National Curriculum' or customize your own schedule for your academic teaching sessions. Advanced analytics with trainee and PD logbooks indicate strengths and deficiencies, along with Milestones and other GME tools. Our totally responsive website and app allow you to learn and test continuously on all devices! 

Logbook Tracking and Reporting

Personal resident logbooks track completed readings and Board-exercises scores for weekly topics and sectional review tests, offering insights and addressing areas of weakness. Program Director's logbook and weekly reporting emails offer quick yet elaborate metrics to keep on course with training goals and objectives! 

Teaching Slide Library™

Designed as both a reference tool and ready-to-use presentation sets, TSL features all graphics and illustrations from each reading in ObGyn. The perfect tool for didactic sessions, weekly conference, and rounds! 


Whether it's core faculty engulfed in ObGyn for faculty development, or professors using the readings and slide sets for teaching purposes, we offer CME exercises for all faculty using the ObGyn resource! 50 Cat 1 credits available each year. These case-based exercises focus on the ‘knowledge gaps’ and new evidence for each updated review. 

OBGYN Weekly Curriculum™ (Annual)

$1,750 USD

+ $250 per trainee/faculty

  • - OBGYN (with updates)
  • - Weekly Curriculum™
  • - CME for Faculty
  • - Mobile App
  • - Teaching Slide Library™
  • - Exam Prep and Qbanks
  • - Wellness In Training

OBGYN Weekly Curriculum™ Long Term Subscription



  • - OBGYN (with updates)
  • - Weekly Curriculum™
  • - Teaching Slide Library™
  • - CME for Faculty
  • - Mobile App
  • - Mentor Remediation
  • - Wellness In Training

ObGyn Board Prep Pro (1 year)

$539 USD


  • - ObGyn Online: Principles & Practice
  • - Teaching Slide Library™
  • - Wellness In Training
  • - CME
  • - Board Prep (Board Review & Qbanks)
  • - Guidelines Plus
  • - Exam Concierge and Mentor Remediation™

ObGyn Weekly Curriculum Pro (1 year)

$449 USD


  • - ObGyn Online: Principles & Practice
  • - Teaching Slide Library™
  • - Wellness In Training
  • - Weekly Curriculum™
  • - Board Prep (Board Review & Qbanks)

Updates per yearSpecialty updatesNumber of sections